<a href="https://www.kevinmd.com/blog/post-author/fred-n-pelzman" rel="tag">Fred N. Pelzman, MD

Author's posts

Love smart functions in your EMR? This doctor doesn’t.

How smart do we want our electronic health record to be? Somewhere between as dumb as a piece of paper and a pen, and too smart for our own good. Many, many years ago, before we spent the majority of our office visit staring at a flatscreen LED and typing away, our charts were simple […]

Why are we treating outpatients like inpatients?

Repercussions. Every action that is taken, especially when it comes to healthcare, has ripple effects, which often end up being more far more significant than we anticipate, turning that ripple into a tidal wave. Every time somebody besides actual health care providers steps into the mix and tell those of us taking care of patients […]

We need the time to apply our noticing skills to our patients

Noticing. If you think about it, that’s really a lot of what we do a lot of the time. As clinicians, we are trained as observers to notice, to use our eyes, our ears, our hands. To notice. We notice that our patients seem different today. More tired. A little pale. Notice a change in […]