Geri Stengel, Contributor

Author's posts

Hispanic Female Founder Raises $1 Million Via Reg CF To Improve Cancer Detection

New funding options make it easier for women and minority entrepreneurs to raising financing.

How The FDA Cut Bureaucratic Red Tape To Make Coronavirus Home Testing Available

By foreseeing the need — and cutting through the red tape at the FDA — an Julia Cheek of Everlywell brought coronavirus home tests to market.

Telehealth In Response To Pandemic May Change Healthcare Forever

Systemic changes affect how medical care is provided in the future. Some businesses are ready to meet the challenge.

How Educational Programs Grew Connections, Funding, And Skills For A Startup

Supporting entrepreneurs can take many forms from grants to providing access to capital and from expanding their networks of mentors and peers to providing training that addresses both hard and soft skills.

The Uninsured: Two Women Entrepreneurs See A Market Opportunity For Healthcare

Two women entrepreneurs aim to prove that providing healthcare to the uninsured is good for business.