Glenn Llopis, Contributor

Author's posts

Individuality In Healthcare, Part 3 — More Insights, Better Experience Across The Continuum Of Care

Individuality is changing the ways we deliver healthcare. Significant advancements in technology and creativity in solving for the unique need of the individual is during this advancement into change that leads to evolution and better outcomes.

Individuality In Healthcare, Part 2 — Does It Expose An Individual’s Vulnerabilities?

Individuality has moved to the center of healthcare transformation. It is redefining the ways we serve patients and our communities. How healthcare serves the unique needs of individuals, by being more inclusive to their vulnerabilities will define t…

Individuality In Healthcare Is Here – Pair It With Inclusion To Achieve Better Outcomes

As healthcare moves from fee for service to value based outcomes the role of individuality will continue to shift our thinking to how we best serve our patients and communities. Are healthcare leaders ready for this transformative shift in mindset?