Hansa Bhargava, Contributor

Author's posts

Hiding In Plain Sight: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques Reducing Youth Anxiety & Trauma

Roca is an organization dedicated to disrupting incarceration, poverty, and racism by engaging young adults, police, and systems at the center of urban violence in relationships to address trauma, find hope and drive change.

Hiding In Plain Sight: The Impact Of Gaming On Mental Health

Though a 2019 survey indicates that nearly 80% of gamers say video games provide them with mental stimulation, relaxation, and stress relief, other gamers, like dedicated athletes that live and breathe the sport, can often battle intense stress, depres…

Hiding In Plain Sight: America’s Watershed Moment With Mental Illness & A Family Who Has Bridged The Divide

More than 1 billion out of 7 billion people in the world live with or have some form of brain health / mental health issues. The global burden of this disease is $3 trillion, according to the World Economic Forum, and projected to exceed $6 trillion by…

Hiding In Plain Sight: Discovering Resilience & Silver Linings From The Pandemic

There is now another pandemic – that of mental health issues – which has “surged” as a result of the impacts from this devastating period.