<span itemprop="author">Harvey Castro, MD, MBA

Author's posts

The emotional intelligence of physicians: Understanding and managing emotions for better care

The role of a physician is not only to diagnose and treat physical ailments but also to provide emotional support to patients. Understanding and managing emotions is a crucial skill for physicians, impacting their ability to provide empathetic and effe…

How the 3 laws of thermodynamics illuminate the pathways of health care and AI

The principles governing the universe are not confined to physics and chemistry. In health care, a field that profoundly examines life’s intricacies, we find parallels with the three laws of thermodynamics. This article unveils these connections,…

Harnessing the power of code interpreters in health care: a look at ChatGPT’s new feature and HIPAA compliance

In the rapidly evolving health care landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) is making significant strides, transforming how we approach patient care, medical research, and health care operations. One such advancement is the introduction of code interpr…

Lowering hallucination results with ChatGPT

The advances of AI, specifically models like GPT-4 from OpenAI, have given rise to powerful tools capable of generating human-like text responses. These models are invaluable in myriad contexts, from customer service and support systems to educational …

The role of competition in health care: a complex interplay

In the dynamic field of health care, physicians hold a vital role. Their invaluable contribution as life-savers, pain alleviators, and guides towards healthier living necessitates continuous learning and improvement. A potential catalyst for such progr…

Unraveling the complexities of ChatGPT-dependency disorder: Are we over-reliant on AI?

In today’s digital age, it’s hardly surprising that our lives are intricately woven with technology. From smartphones to laptops, smart homes to artificial intelligence (AI), these innovations have brought about a remarkable shift in our li…

Emotional intelligence in entrepreneurship: the significance and application of the 5 core pillars

Emotional intelligence (EI) represents an essential suite of abilities that dictate our capacity to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions and the emotions of others. This skill set significantly influences our decision-making process, conf…

The journey through loss: a personal reflection on healing and hope

Losing a loved one is an experience that leaves an indelible mark on your soul. It changes your world, shaking the foundations of what you once thought stable, leaving you to navigate an ocean of grief. For me, this was my reality when I lost someone d…

The power of small teams: communication complexity and its impact on health care leadership

In organizational leadership, the adage “less is more” often rings accurate, particularly regarding team size. Small teams, with their inherent communication advantages, often outperform larger ones. This phenomenon, communication complexit…

Physician excellence: Transitioning from the comfort zone to the growth zone for exceptional patient care

Health care is a dynamic, evolving field that demands a high degree of adaptability and a commitment to lifelong learning from its practitioners. For physicians, improving patient care is often about the challenge of moving from a comfort zone – …