<span itemprop="author">Harvey Castro, MD, MBA

Author's posts

The essential human element in AI integration

In the ever-evolving health care landscape, the synergy between human expertise and artificial intelligence (AI) is not just beneficial—it is essential. As we stand on the brink of a technological revolution, it is crucial to recognize that the integra…

Navigating the tides: Finding balance in the unyielding world of medicine

In the relentless pursuit of saving lives and advancing health care, medical professionals often find themselves on the frontline, where the high stakes of their profession can blur the lines between personal well-being and professional obligations. Th…

Top 10 commandments for the ethical and effective use of AI

As we navigate the digital renaissance, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has undeniably marked a pivotal era in technological innovation and societal advancement. This era, brimming with potential, necessitates a framework to ensure that our …

AI adoption in health care: early adopters to late adapters

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) marks a pivotal change in the swiftly evolving health care landscape. The adoption curve of AI in health care mirrors the classic early adopters versus late adapters scenario seen in technology uptake. As an eme…

Apple Vision Pro rebooting medical diagnosis

An excerpt from Apple Vision Healthcare Pioneers: A Community for Professionals & Patients. In health care technology, diagnostics, and disease detection have undergone significant advancements, notably with the introduction of Apple Vision Pro. De…

Maximizing health care efficiency: Harnessing the power of personality diversity

The impact of personality in health care The health care sector’s success hinges on the diverse personalities within its workforce. Embracing this diversity, particularly the dynamics of introversion and extroversion, is not just beneficial for p…

The superhero spectrum in health care

Strategic thinking: The Doctor Strange of health care. Health care professionals, much like Doctor Strange, often engage in complex decision-making, foreseeing multiple outcomes to choose the best path for patient care. Your ability to strategize and a…

Enhancing your digital footprint: a must for health care professionals

In the ever-evolving health care landscape, where technological advancements and digital presence are increasingly intertwined, health care professionals, including doctors and nurses, must understand the importance of a robust digital footprint. This …

The synergy of AI and human intelligence in transforming health care

The health care industry is witnessing a transformative phase with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data and provide predictive insights is revolutionizing medical diagnostics and patient ca…

Decoding AI hallucinations in health care: Embracing a new era of medical innovation

The health care landscape is rapidly evolving with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). While AI brings transformative power, it also demands great responsibility, especially in understanding and managing AI hallucinations—a new challenge i…