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What are the top non-clinical physician jobs and salaries?

This article is sponsored by Careers by KevinMD.com. When considering a career in the medical field, many people only think of physicians and nurses who work in clinics, give shots, and diagnose patients. However, there’s a wealth of other career…

Regret medical school? Here are 3 things you can do.

This article is sponsored by Careers by KevinMD.com. It’s normal to daydream about living a life very different from our own: “What would life be like if I were Beyonce?” “Would I have the same worries if I were a trapeze artist…

Best jobs for retired physicians: What are the options?

This article is sponsored by Careers by KevinMD.com. Even the best of careers must end sometime. Sure, most doctors look forward to retirement, but not every retired physician wants to sit back collecting sea-shells for the rest of his or her life. Whe…

How social media can help or hurt your health care career

This article is sponsored by Careers by KevinMD.com. We live in a time when social media isn’t just about sharing pictures or ideas with a close circle of friends and family. Between our Facebook statuses, our Twitter profiles and especially our Linked…

“Doctor” or first name: Which do you prefer?

This article is sponsored by Careers by KevinMD.com. “Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.” So go the famous lyrics from the theme song for “Cheers,” the iconic sitcom of the 1980s. The name thing can get re…

#MeToo: A culture change is needed in health care

This article is sponsored by Careers by KevinMD.com. The #MeToo movement exploded into the national spotlight in October 2017 with The New York Times exposé of sexual abuse allegations against Hollywood media mogul Harvey Weinstein. It has since encour…

5 steps clinicians can take to get back to their patients

This article is sponsored by Careers by KevinMD.com. According to the 2018 Medscape National Physician Burnout Report, 42 percent of physicians are burned out. Of the doctors in that group, 56 percent place the blame squarely on the plethora of tasks t…

5 things emergency physicians should consider when looking for jobs

Whether you recently completed your residency as an emergency medicine (EM) physician or are ready to move on from your current position, potential locations for work are undoubtedly a big factor in determining which emergency physician jobs you’re wil…

How to write a physician CV

This article is sponsored by Careers by KevinMD.com. Academic and education environments tend to use the word curriculum vitae, or CV, more frequently than resume. But, a CV’s purpose is the same: to get you a job. Although a CV generally contains more…

Do smaller, independent practices have happier doctors?

This article is sponsored by Careers by KevinMD.com. Physician burnout is not a novel topic within the health care industry. Numerous studies have been done on the increasing prevalence of its symptoms — from emotional exhaustion and loss of empathy to…