<span itemprop="author">Irene Tien, MD

Author's posts

When a doctor struggles with empathy

The radio crackled to life: “7-month-old boy found unresponsive. We started CPR, and he has an IO and ET tube. We’re 5 minutes out.” It was 8 a.m., and the emergency department team descended on the resuscitation room to prepare. I scurried around tryi…

Here’s what I wish I knew as a resident

When I decided to become a doctor, little did I know that medical school and residency would be like a hazing for future physicians. We are broken down mentally and physically and then remade in the image of the “strong” doctor and to admit…

Sorry doctors, you’re nothing special

When I was a child, I knew I would become a doctor. I liked science and taking care of people. We diagnose medical problems and prescribe treatment plans. Some of us perform surgeries and some focus on keeping you well. Despite this, I’m nothing specia…

The unsung heroes of sick kids

Chances are that if you have kids, you’ve had at least one unplanned visit to the hospital. Taking care of children in the emergency department (ED) is a special challenge for many reasons including the fact that the child’s parents don’t choose to see…