Jackie Rocheleau, Contributor

Author's posts

Researchers Are Tracking Covid-19’s Long-Term Effects On Brain Health

The role, either direct or indirect, of the influenza virus in encephalitis lethargica is still up for debate, but scientists have linked other respiratory viruses, like SARS-CoV-2, to neurological symptoms.

The Standard Treatment For Bipolar Disorder Doesn’t Work For Everyone, And Now Scientists Might Know Why

While decades of studies have produced results showing how effective lithium can be in treating bipolar disorder, a large proportion of individuals don’t find relief, and psychiatrists can’t reliably predict who will and won’t respond well.

Delirium Is Common In Covid-19 ICU Patients, But It Can Be Prevented

Brain dysfunction occurs at higher rates among Covid-19 patients compared to other ICU patients with similar lung problems, but it can be prevented.

Do Covid-19 Risk Calculators Help People Make Informed Decisions In a Pandemic?

There’s some evidence that Covid-19 risk calculators are widely used by members of the public, but what’s less clear is how they use that information.

An Intervention In Childhood Could Prevent ‘Deaths Of Despair’ In Adulthood

Those who completed the program, called Fast Track, were less likely to report feelings of hopelessness, suicidal ideation, opioid use or harmful drinking.

Healthcare Organizations Are Polluting The Air And Harming Public Health, But That Can Change

A recent analysis in Health Affairs shows that healthcare organizations like hospitals, doctor’s offices, and the medical supply chain are responsible for about 8.5% of U. S. greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants.

How Healthcare Communicators Are Fighting Misinformation, Building Trust In COVID-19 Vaccines

Healthcare workers have spent the better part of a year trying to treat and prevent the spread of Covid-19. Now they’re also tasked with addressing Covid-19 vaccine misinformation and showing the public the value and safety of vaccination.

New Study Brings Biomarkers For Depression Closer To The Clinic

A team of scientists recently developed a technique using machine learning that can identify whether a given patient’s brain scan shows one of depression’s neural signatures.

Pets Combat Loneliness And Stress For Those Isolated During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Researchers, and likely pet owners, know that having an animal companion has benefits for both physical health and mental health.

How Air Pollution Threatens Health Of People Without Housing

People experiencing homelessness are also subject to air pollution, and don’t always have safe, indoor shelter to escape it.