<span itemprop="author">Jen Baker-Porazinski, MD

Author's posts

America is failing primary care doctors

While the pandemic sparked a renewed (if only temporary) appreciation of the medical profession, this alone wasn’t enough to induce change in the system overwhelming them – a fact blatantly revealed to me this year at the annual conference …

Caregiving for COVID at home: a physician story

The day after Christmas, my husband Paul developed a fever, chills, and cough.  On Sunday, he tested positive. He probably got sick helping a family member, but we’ll never be certain how the virus invaded our home, rendering us hostage for weeks. Sinc…

The commodification of health care is destroying the doctor-patient relationship

My elderly patients miss the days when, in an emergency, they could call their family doctor at home, and they’d be cared for. Retired doctors reminisce about the “good old days” when they were in charge of their own schedules and could prescribe whate…