<span itemprop="author">Jennifer Reid, MD

Author's posts

Finding a pathway to hope: reflections from a psychiatrist

You may be feeling hopeless. That wouldn’t be shocking, under the current circumstances. Reading the headlines, one can’t help but remember the beginning of the pandemic, when we were reading about “flattening the curve” and ove…

Doctors’ mental health: Don’t wait until it’s too late

One of our most talented residents committed suicide during my psychiatric training. I remember relaxing with him in a VA hospital call room several months before his death, laughing together at some of the idiosyncrasies of our unit attending. He open…

We need a mental health infrastructure bill

In her February 11, 2021 press briefing, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki stated, “The president, vice president, secretary, and senators established the mutual understanding that America needs to build new infrastructure across urban and rural ar…