Jessica Gold, Contributor

Author's posts

How To Survive Trauma And Heal With Love: Samantha Bennington’s Story

As someone who has been through as much trauma as she has in her life, including the death of her ex-husband, Chester Bennington, lead singer of Linkin Park, Samantha Bennington has learned to survive with love and positivity. For the release of her ne…

Overdoses Are Increasing In The U.S. Over Covid-19: Here’s What Addiction Experts Want You To Know

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the existing overdose epidemic has only continued to rise. So have the rates of substance use. Addiction experts, including the head of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, weigh in on what this data means and what else w…

Deaths By Suicide In Japan Surpassed Deaths By Covid-19: Here’s What That Means For The US

Japan recently made headlines for data suggesting that more people there had died by suicide in October than had died all of the pandemic from Covid-19. Shocking, yet lacking nuance, many were left wondering what this data means for the United States. …

“We Are Uncomfortable Being Uncomfortable”: Grieving During Covid-19

In the US, deaths from Covid-19 have passed heart disease as the number one cause of death, but we don’t talk about it. We don’t grieve the losses. Why? We don’t like being uncomfortable and we don’t understand grief. Grief expert Nora McInerny helps u…

‘Here I Am, As A Human, Doing The Best I Can’: Bridging The Gap Of Covid-19 Denial With Vulnerability

We often don’t talk about emotions in medicine and even say we shouldn’t show them. But, for Ashley Bartholomew, a registered nurse, crying in front of a patient who thought Covid-19 was no worse than the flu, helped him understand the reality. Can vul…

The Stress Of Being A Young, Female Scientific Expert During Covid-19

Many of the Covid-19 experts were thrust into the spotlight quickly and represent a new era of expertise: one that is younger and more female. Their role, however, comes with unique stressors as scientists, advocates, and women-from harassment to mom g…

‘Anxiety Is Not Unmasculine’: How Blake Auden Helps Others Cope Through Poetry

During Movember, mental health and suicide prevention of men is highlighted as one of the causes. Despite growing up believing feelings were unmasculine, Blake Auden has learned from his own anxiety and panic. He now writes poetry about his experiences…

4 Self-Care Tips From Instagram’s Stacie Swift That We Need

Stacie Swift, one of Instagram’s self-care illustrators and the author of the new book You Are Positively Awesome, creates normalizing and validating messages for her followers. With the pandemic worsening in the US, she recommended four self-care tip…

5 Questions To Consider If You Want Your Vote To Support Mental Health

There are many different reasons to choose politicians in this election, from healthcare to the economy to climate change. One issue not often talked about is mental health care and how to better evaluate politicians based on it. These 5 questions from…

Centuries Of Infertility: Here’s How Catherine Of Aragon’s Story Resembles Women’s Today

Throughout history we have had many of the same conversations about pregnancy and infertility. In the Starz limited series the Spanish Princess, Catherine of Aragon struggles to produce an heir to the throne. Her story is hauntingly familiar- including…