<span itemprop="author">Jillian Rigert, MD, DMD

Author's posts

Is perfectionism something to strive for or heal from?

I used to pride myself on being a perfectionist and high achiever, and I held onto those identities tightly. Today, my diplomas are stored in a box at the bottom of a closet. I recycled the majority of my race medals, and reviewing my CV contributes to…

Society is obsessed with weight loss

Society is obsessed with weight loss. Part of my brain is, too, albeit I am well aware that there will be no number low enough on the scale to satisfy that part of me. Anorexia nervosa is a poorly understood and mismanaged condition from my perspective…

How being “the problem” can make you a force for change

The people unwilling to tolerate the BS in the face of dysfunction are often identified as the problem by those who have adapted to and/or benefit from maintaining the status quo. Too often, we believe it—that we are the problem. By challenging this be…

How being “the problem” can make you a force for change

The people unwilling to tolerate the BS in the face of dysfunction are often identified as the problem by those who have adapted to and/or benefit from maintaining the status quo. Too often, we believe it—that we are the problem. By challenging this be…

Hero’s journey: Letting go of self-hate and choosing love instead

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned on my hero’s journey is the importance of learning to accept ourselves (our full selves). I couldn’t sit across from patients, clients, friends, or family members the way I wanted to until I sta…