Joshua Cohen, Contributor

Author's posts

Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Is Worse In E.U. Than U.S.

In the Covid-19 vaccination race the U.S. is proving to be a formidable competitor. The U.S. is vaccinating at a faster pace than any member of the E.U., and three times the E.U. average. Getting shots into the arms of often vaccine-hesitant E.U. resid…

Covid-19 Vaccine Passports Could Exacerbate Global Inequities

Government officials assert that proof of Covid-19 vaccinations in the form of proper documentation will expedite a return to international travel. Experts have, however, expressed concerns about the logistics, but also the equity of a vaccine passport.

Tennessee’s Medicaid Waiver For A Closed Drug Formulary Could Be A Trendsetter

At the state level, novel payment models and methods for Medicaid prescription drug cost containment are gaining traction. In Tennessee’s Medicaid program, the closed formulary is becoming a reality. Other states may decide to follow Tennessee’s lead.

What Could Biden’s Possible Bid For A National Health Technology Assessment Entity Look Like?

The U.S. has never had a publicly funded, independent health technology assessment body to evaluate drugs, diagnostics, and devices, and provide recommendations on pricing and reimbursement. This may change as the Biden Administration considers creatin…

Rebate Walls Stifle Prescription Drug Competition

Rebate walls are exclusionary contracting practices that a drug manufacturer deploys to limit the ability of rivals from gaining preferred access to the formulary, or any access at all. As such, they limit the uptake of biosimilars, (specialty) generic…

On Covid-19 Mitigation, U.S. State Governors Throw Caution To The Wind While European Leaders Maintain Restrictions

Presently, U.S. and European policies to counter spread of Covid-19 are almost diametrically opposed. U.S. governors appear to be forgetting that now is the wrong time to relax restrictions. Rather, a concurrent, dual strategy of strict mitigation and …

Covid-19 Mortality Disparity In Males Versus Females Highlights Perplex Issue Of Life Expectancy Gender Gap

Experts have posited that women tend to live longer than men because they age more slowly, and due to their ability to fend off disease better when they do get sick, at any age. But, biology – for example, the role of hormones – can only explain so much.

Mark Cuban’s Generic Drug Company Has Disruptive Potential In Niche Markets

How disruptive Cuban’s company will be depends on the types of drugs it will sell. It’s unclear at this time whether Cuban’s company will be in direct competition with the established players for a wide range of products, or whether it will focus on ni…

This Is The Wrong Time For States In The U.S. To Ease Covid-19 Restrictions

Vaccines alone won’t end the pandemic, at least not in an expedited way that minimizes death and morbidity. Until a much larger proportion of the population is vaccinated, there must be a coherent, parallel strategy aimed at mitigation and control.

Democrats Appear Prepared To Pursue A Go-It-Alone Strategy On Coronavirus Relief Package

Biden and Democratic leaders in Congress seem to have made a strategic decision on the Covid-19 relief package; power through, making use of the budget reconciliation legislative tool that would expedite the bill’s passage and only require 51 votes in …