Joshua Cohen, Contributor

Author's posts

The Coronavirus Spurs Drug Repurposing Innovation

The Covid-19 crisis appears to have spawned renewed interest in repurposing of drugs. Scientists are canvassing extensive libraries of existing drug compounds in search of potential Covid-19 treatments.

Sweden’s Gamble On Coronavirus: Has It Paid Off?

Whether having opted for a stringent lockdown or a more lenient policy like Sweden’s, for the time being countries must rely on development of treatments for the critically ill, and continued physical distancing, hygiene, face coverings, and contact tr…

As A Tiny Nation Tests All Inhabitants For Coronavirus, The World Awaits The Results

Knowing who’s infected will assist in the isolation and contact tracing efforts. Policymakers rely on comprehensive data to provide appropriate direction for devising and implementing evidence-based policies that allow for a safe and sustained reopenin…

Pricing Of COVID-19 Treatments And Coronavirus Vaccines

Healthcare providers and patients are hoping that effective COVID-19 treatments and coronavirus vaccines will be widely available soon. However, regulatory approval is just the first step in determining patient access. Any approved treatment must be av…

COVID-19 Crowding Out Non-COVID-19 Healthcare And Drug Development

there is an opportunity cost of allocating nearly all available resources on the novel coronavirus. The dollars spent on the coronavirus can’t be used to address other diseases or conditions.

PBM Exclusion Lists: Useful For Leverage But Do They Benefit The Patient?

While net transaction prices of prescription drugs have been stagnant, what matters most to patients, out-of-pocket spending, has increased.

Use Of Value-Based Contracting For Pharmaceuticals Is Underwhelming

Ultimately, better alignment of price and value of health technologies and medical services is the main objective of any healthcare system. This can be achieved through multiple means, including value-based contracts and coverage with evidence developm…

Transient Drops In Reported New Coronavirus Cases: “Sunday Effect”

Yesterday’s reported drop in numbers of new coronavirus cases (and deaths) look promising, until you see that there have been similar transient decreases every week.

How Accurate Is Trump’s Claim That The U.S. Has A Better COVID-19 Death Rate Than Other Nations?

According to the observed case fatality ratio, it’s easy to dismiss the claim that the U.S. has a lower death rate than most countries. But, the U.S. does have a better case fatality rate than most of the European countries hardest hit by COVID-19.

Trump’s Decision To Defund WHO: Throwing The Baby Out With The Bathwater

By defunding the WHO Trump is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. No other organization is better equipped or positioned to mobilize the international response needed to address the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in low and middle income countries.