Joshua Cohen, Contributor

Author's posts

U.S. Cancer Mortality Rate Declines, But Disparities In Treatment Point To Access Problems

Disparities in lung cancer treatment may point to an access problem. Less than 62% of lung cancer patients in the U.S. receive treatments recommended by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines.

As Brexit Nears, Fears Of An NHS Sell-Out Resurface

What the U.S. may target is a dismantling, or watering down, of restrictions with respect to NHS price setting and reimbursement of pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

Annual Ritual Of Drug Price Increases To Get More Political Scrutiny In 2020

While list prices have increased substantially over time, rebates have kept net spending growth by pharmacy benefit managers and payers in check. But, the rebates have generally not been passed through to patients, whose co-payments are often calculate…

Money Can’t Buy You Health: Disconnection In U.S. Between Healthcare Spending And Population Health

The U.S. spends about twice as much on healthcare as other Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, but ranks near the bottom in terms of life expectancy, and that gap has widened sharply in recent years.

Court Battle Over Affordable Care Act May Harm Citizens And Patients

From a policy perspective, the ACA can continue – and has since January 2018 – without the mandate requiring that everyone have health insurance. But, to the courts policy doesn’t matter, it’s the intricate details of constitutionality and separability…

Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act May Become Law In 2020

On the whole, however, PDPRA’s impact on the pharmaceutical industry is not nearly as potentially significant and punitive in terms of price controls as H.R. 3 would be if it became law.

Resolving Tension Between Cost-Effectiveness Analysis And Patient Centricity

policymakers must do more to construct patient-centric measures of the benefits conferred by medical technologies, and permit the patient’s voice to be heard more incisively, both on the input side regarding value assessment, and decision-making side.

Is Fear Of The QALY Warranted?

Within a disease area the QALY is an indispensable measure of comparative benefit. And, in fact, across disease areas with similar sets of impacts and considerations, the QALY is invaluable. It’s when the QALY is used in certain inter-disease compariso…

Basing Drug Prices On Value Rather Than R&D

Here, the argument is not against high drug prices per sé. Many branded and generic drugs have value commensurate with the benefits they confer. Rather, the argument is against justifying high drug prices as a consequence of high levels of R&D.

Basing Drug Prices On Value Rather Than R&D

Here, the argument is not against high drug prices per sé. Many branded and generic drugs have value commensurate with the benefits they confer. Rather, the argument is against justifying high drug prices as a consequence of high levels of R&D.