Joshua Cohen, Contributor

Author's posts

Drug Price Controls Gaining Traction At Federal And State Levels

What the Maine and Maryland laws share in common, along with other state proposals, is that they call for “cost reviews” when prices or price increases for certain drugs exceed specified arbitrary thresholds.

Precision Medicine For Pediatric Patients Gets A Boost From Congress

To ensure appropriate usage of genomic diagnostics, tests must be paid for. A number of barriers for patients, including lack of insurance coverage and inability to see clinical specialists, have impeded access to genomic testing.

Problem Of Prescription Opioid Misuse, Abuse, Overuse, And Diversion Is Multifactorial

As nationwide litigation focuses on the putative role that marketing, according to plaintiffs, may have played in fueling prescription opioid prescribing, there is a tendency to overlook multiple factors that contributed to the problem of prescription …

Trump Administration’s Controversial Cuts In Food Stamps Program

Thirty-nine states have expanded eligibility regarding who can receive food stamps to include some who make more than the federal baseline. It is this group of states that would have to restrict eligibility.

How Recession Proof Is The Pharmaceutical Industry?

In the face of a possible recession, stable demand for services and technologies acts as a protective barrier for healthcare as a sector, and biopharmaceuticals, in particular. And this certainly applies to the orphan and cancer drug space.

Why Pharmacies Are Suspending Sales Of Zantac

The flurry of announcements and actions regarding Zantac raises more questions than it answers. What is known about the relative risks associated with NDMA, whether found in water, food, or pharmaceutical products, such as Zantac?

VA Smoking Ban Faces Opposition

VA is finally doing its part to eliminate smoking at its facilities. But, there’s opposition to the smoking ban, and it’s coming from the largest VA employees union as well as a number of patients.

Primary Care Is Integral To Improving U.S. Healthcare, But Is Falling Further Behind

Increasing primary care access is seen as essential to improving population health. Effective primary care can help reduce emergency room visits and hospitalizations. However, in most U.S. states, the percentage spent on primary care is less than half …

In U.S. Biosimilars Run Into More Roadblocks

Establishing a competitive marketplace may include mandating that innovator drug companies make samples available for testing, prohibiting rebate walls and exclusionary contracts that preclude biosimilar competition, and investing in more biosimilar ed…

House Speaker Pelosi Seizes An Opening On Prescription Drug Prices

Under Pelosi’s plan there would be direct negotiations between Medicare – as a collective unit representing all beneficiaries – and drug manufacturers. Here, Medicare would negotiate prices of 250 costly medicines.