JV Chamary, Contributor

Author's posts

Exercise Affects Breathing, So Does It Help Spread Coronavirus?

Physical activity causes you to breathe faster and more deeply, which suggests it could also produce more virus particles.

People Wear Condoms For Selfish Reasons. Are Masks Different?

Using a condom to block HIV/AIDS can be compared to wearing a mask to slow the spread of Coronavirus/Covid-19.

Not Wearing A Mask Is Like Smoking Near A Pregnant Woman

This is the best analogy for understanding why people should wear a face mask to slow the spread of Coronavirus.

We Still Don’t Know How Long Coronavirus Lasts On Surfaces

How long does Coronavirus last on surfaces? And which disinfectants are most effective at cleaning them?

We Still Don’t Know How Long Coronavirus Lasts On Surfaces

How long does Coronavirus last on surfaces? And which disinfectants are most effective at cleaning them?

The CDC Is Wrong About How Much Alcohol You Need In Hand Sanitizer

The CDC recommends using hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol. Is that amount really enough to help stop Covid-19?

Why Should I Use Soap Instead Of Sanitizer? Science Says It’s Better

Washing your hands with soap and water is the best way to kill Coronavirus. There’s an explanation, where’s the evidence?

You’ll Be Surprised How Often You Actually Touch Your Face

Face touching helps spread Coronavirus, and according to science it happens far more frequently than you might think.

Which Works Best For Covid-19: Clean Hands Or Face Masks?

While the arguments over wearing a mask continue, studies suggest that good hand hygiene is better at fighting Coronavirus.

Coronavirus Science Says You Don’t Need To Wear A Mask Outdoors

Should you wear a face mask outdoors to help stop Coronavirus from spreading? The scientific research so far suggests that it’s probably not necessary, but your decision should also depend on where you’re going.