<span itemprop="author">Kara Wada, MD

Author's posts

From doctor to patient: my Sjogren’s journey and a challenge to colleagues

As physicians, we are trained to dissect symptoms and to hunt for a diagnosis. But my own journey with Sjogren’s, like my patients’, wasn’t a textbook case. It was a puzzle with pieces scattered over decades, ignored or dismissed at e…

A specialist’s journey in health care advocacy

As an allergy, immunology, and autoimmune disease specialist, I frequently see patients whose stories are a harsh indictment of our medical system. They’ve been dismissed, misdiagnosed, and forced to navigate a maze designed for quick fixes, not …

Navigating spring allergies in the era of climate change

As winter chill thaws and the spring flowers begin to bloom, many of us find ourselves grappling with the unwelcome return of sneezing, itching, and congestion that signals spring allergy season. This year, like nearly every in the last decade, seems t…

Enhancing patient care: strategies for physicians to prevent medical gaslighting

As physicians, our primary goal is to provide the best possible care to our patients. However, even with the best intentions, medical gaslighting can occur, leading to patient distress and potentially harmful outcomes. Medical gaslighting is not often …

Hit pause before embarking on a health guru’s protocol

In today’s age, it’s common to encounter a myriad of protocols, often promoted by celebrity doctors or health gurus, each promising solutions for various health concerns, from thyroid and adrenal issues to immune system and gut health. But …

Challenges faced by patients with mast cell disorders

As an allergist/immunologist, the spectrum of mast cell disorders, including mastocytosis, idiopathic anaphylaxis, chronic hives, and angioedema, is not a new concept. That said, in recent years, we have seen an uptick in patients presenting with a spe…

Ragweed allergy peaks during college football season

Not only is it kickoff time for college football season, but it’s also prime time for fall allergies. For the 50 million Americans who suffer from ragweed allergy, the late summer and early fall signal the onset of runny noses, sneezing, congesti…

What every clinician needs to know about Sjogren’s from a physician turned patient

In the 4+ years since my own diagnosis, I have continued to peel back the layers of my illness story, realizing that seemingly unrelated complaints from my teens and twenties were actually early signs and symptoms of what would later be formally labele…

Is inflammation too much of a good thing?

Inflammation is currently a popular topic, and I must admit that I’ve fallen into the trap of vilifying this natural physiological phenomenon. Simply put, inflammation is our body’s response to infection, injury, or insult. Heat, redness, s…

How modern lifestyle changes are disrupting our immune systems

In addition to a steep increase in prevalence, in recent decades, we have seen an evolution in the ways our immune system misbehaves: eosinophilic esophagitis, mast cell disorders, and early onset colon cancer, among many others. This data alone should…