<span itemprop="author">Kara Wada, MD

Author's posts

Unconventional health care, flawed studies, and biases: Navigating the complexities for optimal well-being

When I speak with my less “crunchy” peers, I encounter a considerable amount of resistance to ideas that have initially gained traction in naturopathic or integrative spaces: food as medicine, making “non-toxic” swaps, meditatio…

Nose-brain connection: The surprising link between allergies and mental health revealed

Artificially separating the body from the mind has been one of the biggest missteps of modern medicine. Over the last few years, we have increasingly read studies confirming the mind-body connection, the gut-brain axis, and now we are learning more abo…

Healing clinician-associated trauma: a call for connection 

Our modern existence is a state of perpetual disconnection. Earbuds in. Staring down at our screens. Avoiding eye contact. Disconnected from each other and ourselves, we go about our lives in adult parallel play. Numbing any hint of uncomfortable feeli…

5 things I would never do as an allergy and immune system expert

Jumping on the recent TikTok trend of medical professionals sharing the things they would never do given their knowledge and expertise, I am sharing the five things I would never do as a board-certified allergist-immunologist. 1. I would never rely on …