<span itemprop="author">Karla Lester, MD

Author's posts

Fat acceptance is a human acceptance movement

The recent article by Danielle Crittenden, “The Danger of Fat Acceptance: The Average American Woman Is Now a Size 18” is more of the same perpetuation of our society’s deeply internalized diet culture, weight blaming, and shaming of …

Creating community solutions for children’s health

Every year, I celebrate and mourn when I officially left my primary care pediatric practice full of patients and parents that I loved to launch my non-profit, Teach a Kid to Fish. May 31, 2008, was the last day of my practice. Had I known what I was in…

The visionary pediatrician may soon be an endangered species

If I were writing a book about what it’s like to be a visionary pediatrician speaking up for children’s health, I would title it, The Hate We Get. A few months ago, I received a death threat comment on a TikTok video I posted advocating for COVID vacci…