Leah Campbell, Contributor

Author's posts

Covid Symptoms But Testing Negative? Here’s What’s Going On

Most medical tests have at least a small risk of false negative or false positive results (just ask any woman who has ever had a pregnancy test show them an incorrect result). But what is the actual risk of testing negative while still having Covid-19?

How To Avoid Ending Up In Court Over A Parenting Covid-19 Vaccination Decision

They aren’t the first couple to disagree one vaccinations for their children, especially as the Covid-19 vaccine nears being rolled out for younger children.

Kids 5 And Up Could Be Vaccinated By Halloween—Here’s What Parents Need To Know

For parents anxiously awaiting the opportunity to vaccinate their young children for Covid-19, the news that Pfizer was submitting their trial data to the FDA with the hopes of gaining approval for the 5-11 age group by Halloween has been exciting.

Trouble Potty Training? There Might Be A Therapy That Can Help

Most parents of healthy, neurotypical children take it as a given that their child will be able to potty train when the time is right. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case.

What Parents Can Expect From The 2021-2022 School Year

When schools first shut down because of COVID-19 in spring of 2019, parents wanted to believe the emergency precautions taking place were temporary.

Suicide Rates Actually Went Down In 2020: Here’s What Parents Need To Know

What do parents need to know about this new data?

Reducing Screen Time After A Year Of Screen Reliance

Kids are still stuck in the habit of turning to screens more than they would have pre-pandemic.

The Benefits Of Pet Ownership For The Whole Family: Especially Now

It’s important to understand just how hard of a hit kids have taken over this last year.

Congratulations On Your Vaccination! (You Can’t Return To Normal Just Yet)

Now is not the time to loosen up on those Covid-19 safety guidelines.

New Parents: Are You Up To Date On The Latest In Car Seat Safety?

It’s important to make the distinction between laws and best practices–keeping your child rear facing as long as possible is best practice.