Leah Campbell, Contributor

Author's posts

Experts Weigh In On The True Toll Of School Closures

President-Elect Joe Biden has vowed to make schools reopening a priority of his first 100 days. But parents and teachers need to be aware of the impact this last year has had on those kids—and the difference that impact may have on education as a whole…

For Some Kids, This Last Year Qualifies As An Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE)

Our kids have been soaking it all in, taking on plenty of stress (in some cases, toxic stress) themselves.

What Covid Has Taught Us About The Dangers Of Strict Attendance Policies

It may be on parents to begin lobbying their local governments and politicians for change.

The Importance of Protecting Children From the Long-Term Impacts of Covid-19

What do parents need to know about how a potential Covid-19 diagnosis could impact their child’s future?

Helping Your Menstruating Child Through Puberty

There’s no denying that adolescence is full of big changes, especially for children who will eventually go on to menstruate.

ARFID: The Eating Disorder Masquerading As Picky Eating

It may instead be Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), an eating disorder known to develop in young children that can become dangerous if left untreated.

Tips For Celebrating Safely As A Family This COVID-19 Holiday Season

There are still ways to make some festive memories this Covid holiday season, even without participating in the typical holiday festivities.

Knowing How To Help Your Anxious Or Depressed Teen

For parents worried about their teen’s mental health in the midst of this worldwide crisis, adolescent mental health clinicians have advice for identifying, and treating, the struggles you may be witnessing firsthand.

What Parents Need To Know About The Cognitive Impacts Of Covid-19

An accumulating body of research is finding cognitive delays associated with Covid-19.

Increased Risk Of Chronic Conditions Associated With Early Antibiotic Exposure

Researchers have linked early antibiotic use with a greater risk of developing childhood-onset asthma, respiratory allergies, eczema, celiac disease, obesity and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Here’s what parents need to know.