<span itemprop="author">Leanne Rowe, MD

Author's posts

How to manage narcissistic doctors

Anyone can exhibit narcissism or narcissistic personality traits or types from time to time in different forms from mild to severe. When doctors are under stress, they can “act out,” or their behavior can worsen. Greater awareness of damaging behaviors…

How to manage narcissistic doctors

Anyone can exhibit narcissism or narcissistic personality traits or types from time to time in different forms from mild to severe. When doctors are under stress, they can “act out,” or their behavior can worsen. Greater awareness of damaging behaviors…

How to spot a narcissistic doctor

How is it possible that endemic bullying persists in medicine despite myriad initiatives to improve awareness, mutual respect and medical culture? In some cases, we can blame health systems issues, such as medical workforce shortages, lack of funding a…

Medical workplace bullying: We just want it to stop

Health care is increasingly complex. Objective peer review, constructive feedback, and robust debate are essential to continually improve the quality of patient care. But doctors don’t always disagree well. One of the contributing factors to bullying i…

How physicians should respond to the words, “I am depressed”

My response to a colleague who says, “I am depressed,” is critical for many reasons. As doctors have tough masks, it has been difficult for my colleague to disclose this. Due to mental illness stigma in the medical profession, this doctor may have been…