<span itemprop="author">Marc Arginteanu, MD

Author's posts

Do microplastics cause dementia?

Let’s begin by understanding the scope of the dementia problem: According to data from Alzheimer’s Disease International, before you finish reading this sentence, someone, somewhere in the world will have developed dementia. Here comes anot…

A neurosurgeon’s 23 simple things you can do (in five minutes or less) to improve your brain health

Here are 23 simple things you can do (in five minutes or less) to improve your brain health. Do one of them each day. Keep it up for a few short weeks and your brain will sing your praises. Attitude of gratitude The act of being grateful improves menta…

A hike filled with color is mind magic

Sure, going on a hike is great exercise. Every step brings you closer to your healthiest body. But did you know, hiking confers brain benefits? What’s more, if you do it right, hiking is magic for your mind. If you’re feeling scattered and …