Marisa Garcia, Contributor

Author's posts

Ryanair Plots Fare War As Coronavirus Recovery Tool, But That Tactic Might Make Things Worse

As they long for a rapid recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, airlines may revert to old habits by deeply discounting airfares.

After Fiery Aeroflot Crash, Is It Time For Airlines To Remove Overhead Bins?

As has happened in other recent incidents, passengers ran from the burning Sukhoi Superjet with luggage, raising the prospect that retrieval of bags from overhead bins slowed the evacuation and contributed to the death toll. Here’s why a ban on carry-o…

After Fiery Aeroflot Crash, Is It Time For Airlines To Remove Overhead Bins?

As has happened in other recent incidents, passengers ran from the burning Sukhoi Superjet with luggage, raising the prospect that retrieval of bags from overhead bins slowed the evacuation and contributed to the death toll. Here’s why a ban on carry-o…

Should Planes Have Locking Overhead Bins To Protect Passengers From Themselves?

Passengers do not respond rationally to aircraft accidents, putting their luggage before their lives. Would locked overhead bins solve this problem?