<span itemprop="author">Martin C. Young, MD

Author's posts

Don’t neglect the power of clinical examinations in modern medicine

I intended to write an essay endorsing the clinical examination (CE), but recent personal events have made me reconsider. I had outpatient sinus surgery and developed chest pain the next day, leading me to my local rural hospital’s emergency depa…

Where have all the pediatric beds gone? The consequence of strict admission criteria.

In the tale of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, the piper tunefully leads the children astray and to their doom. Well, the piper has returned. Actually, he has been back for several years, but few noticed. This time he is not making off with the children but…

Measles: a preventable disease that is making a comeback

I see there has been yet another measles outbreak; at the time of writing, the count is 59 in central Ohio. All are either unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated. No doubt local pediatricians are being flooded with worried parents proffering their offspr…

With RSV, it’s time for primary care to step up to the plate

Every pediatrician is familiar with this endemic seasonal virus, expecting to see several cases in their office during the winter months and maybe even admit the occasional one for inpatient care. Even amongst the latter, most do well and recover witho…

Protecting children from bad medical care

Unfortunately, at least from where I sit, suboptimal medical care seems to abound. And every encounter of my family members with the health care behemoth is an opportunity for them to become a recipient of it. When it comes to shielding them, I have ha…