Mason Bissada, Forbes Staff

Author's posts

DOJ Has Brought Charges Over $8 Billion In Alleged Fraud From Covid Relief

The DOJ appointed a new director to handle ongoing Covid-19 fraud investigations.

Queen Elizabeth And Justin Bieber Both Tested Positive For Covid. Her Risk Is Roughly 340 Times Greater.

Reports say the queen, who is experiencing mild symptoms, is fully vaccinated.

California Unveils New Plan To ‘Live With Covid’ And Fight Outbreaks Locally

The nation’s largest state aims to stockpile 75 million masks and maintain the capacity to conduct 500,000 Covid-19 tests per day, as coronavirus positivity rates wane.

Evangeline Lilly Is The Latest Celebrity To Rail Against Covid Vaccines Or Mandates

Elon Musk, Sarah Palin and Bill Maher also made headlines this week.

Moderna Expects Vaccine Data For Kids Ages 2-5 By March

The company is also evaluating boosters for 12- to 17-year-olds as Covid-related hospitalizations for children reach record levels.

CDC Recommends Americans Avoid Travel To Canada Amid Covid-19 Surge

The province of Quebec saw its highest single-day Covid-related hospitalization figure on Monday.

California Lawmaker Introduces Plan To Pay For State Universal Healthcare System

The bill would not increase income taxes for those making less than $150,000.

Judge Rules In Favor Of Navy SEALs Seeking Religious Exemptions From Covid Vaccine

The narrow decision marks the first successful challenge to the Defense Department’s coronavirus vaccine mandate.

Omicron Case Found In Hawaii—Coronavirus Variant Has Now Spread To 5 States

The variant has also been found in California, Minnesota, Colorado and New York in the past 48 hours.

Moderna Says Omicron Booster Could Be Ready By March, But Fauci Says Not To Wait

Fauci said experts are still unsure if variant-specific Covid-19 boosters are necessary.