Matt Ng, Contributor

Author's posts

This Is What Rubber Bullets And Less-Lethal Rounds Can Do To You

Use of rubber bullets and less-lethal rounds have surged in the Black Lives Matter protests. But, studies show they are powerful enough to permanently maim and kill.

The New Leaders Of Our Virtual Workspaces Are Emerging

A new breed of leader is emerging in the virtual working environment, and they come with decidedly different traits than their office counterparts.

How Horror Games Like The Last Of Us Can Provide Catharsis

Could playing horror games like The Last of Us could provide psychological benefits?

Keep A Lid On It – How Your Toilet Could Be Spreading Covid-19

Keep your toilet lid closed when you flush – that’s the advice being pushed by health experts in their continuing fight of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Could Negative Thinking Be Linked To Alzheimer’s Disease?

According to British research, repeatedly thinking negative thoughts could increase the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).

Half Of UK COVID-19 Deaths Could Have Been Avoided

Epidemiologist Professor Neil Ferguson has claimed that if the UK government had imposed lockdown measures a week earlier, it could have reduced COVID-19 deaths by at least 50%.