<span itemprop="author">Michael J. Grace, JD

Author's posts

Health care communication in a post-COVID world: What’s changed and what’s not since the pandemic

An excerpt from The Mumbo Jumbo Fix: A Survival Guide for Effective Doctor-Patient-Nurse Communication. If you’re like me, you mark life’s timeline by three milestones—before COVID, during COVID, and after COVID. While most of us no longer …

Building trust with patients: the power of credibility, trustworthiness, and likeability

An excerpt from The Mumbo Jumbo Fix: A Survival Guide for Effective Doctor-Patient-Nurse Communication. When advertising agencies launch a new ad campaign, one of their popular strategies is the testimonial. As consumers, we see testimonials all the ti…

Communication protocols exist for a reason

An excerpt from The Mumbo Jumbo Fix: A Survival Guide for Effective Doctor-Patient-Nurse Communication. Team building is a popular trend in health care.  It promotes cooperation, trust and respect, improves communication, and enhances patient outcomes….