<span itemprop="author">Michele Luckenbaugh

Author's posts

Let 2021 be the year we end the pandemic

I listen to the wind howling outside on this night that’s stranded between the departing season of winter and the coming of spring. I await the arrival of longer days filled with sunshine, days that welcome new growth, new life. During the year t…

Healer, are you so different from me?

My heart pumps rhythmically, as does yours, and aches when sadness strikes. I am stressed and discouraged when I feel I have no control over an illness that invades my body.  Is this not true for you as you lay in your bed at night, feeling that &#8220…

The art of medicine: a patient’s perspective

“The practice of medicine is an art, not a trade; a calling, not a business; a calling in which your heart will be exercised equally with your head.” – Sir William Osler One of the most sacred and intimate relationships is that which …

The art of medicine: a patient’s perspective

“The practice of medicine is an art, not a trade; a calling, not a business; a calling in which your heart will be exercised equally with your head.” – Sir William Osler One of the most sacred and intimate relationships is that which …

Building a bond of trust between patient and physician

We live in a world today where there is misinformation in abundant supply. What we see and hear in the media one day seems to be reversed the following day. What to believe, who to believe? Our world appears to be in a state of turmoil, a state of cont…

I am disgusted with our politicians who have used the pandemic as a political tool

There are times when I feel that I am boxed-in by this unrelenting virus, COVID-19. This microscopic entity has put the majority of the world into lockdown, affecting all aspects of human life and social interaction.  The virus does not discriminate du…

My healer, please guide me on this journey

I walk this dark and winding path between wellness and illness, moving between darkness and light on this journey of life. As I move between well-being and an uneasy state of uncertainty, a roller-coaster of emotions moves over me. I am brought to my k…

What it takes to be called a great doctor: a patient’s perspective

Let me begin by extending my gratitude to all physicians who have served our country during this time of the coronavirus pandemic. During this trying time, your dedication and service have given a sense of stability and confidence in our health care sy…

An apology to frontline health care workers

Our country seems to be spiraling out of control. The unending political discord post-election continues to divide our citizenry. The Presidential election is over, accept the results, and move on. There are much more serious issues to have our full at…

Physicians: Take back the title you have earned through your training

“Customer #4, please step up to the counter. How may I help you today?”  As a patient, have you ever felt that it seemed you were waiting in line at the deli department, listening for your number to be called?  Sorry to say, the practice of…