<span itemprop="author">Miguel Villagra, MD

Author's posts

10 essential tips for doctors: Mastering contract negotiations

Negotiating a contract can be daunting, but it’s a critical skill every physician must master. When I received my first contract, I was overwhelmed by the legal jargon and the sheer number of clauses. It wasn’t just about the salary; it was…

How choosing purpose over design transforms your life and destiny

In our quest for personal and professional fulfillment, many of us meticulously plan our lives, crafting each step to align with our individual preferences and values. This “life by design” approach offers a clear path through the chaos of …

Thriving, not just surviving: Cracking the formula for physician well-being

In the relentless world of health care, where long hours and high-stress situations have become the norm, finding happiness can often feel like an elusive goal for physicians. The pursuit of professional excellence and the demands of patient care can o…

The challenge of seeking joy: Navigating the current health care maze

Before delving into the heart of joy’s pursuit, it’s essential to grasp the complexities faced by medical professionals in today’s health care environment. The modern health care system, with all its advancements, presents unique chal…

My takeaways from an entrepreneur and real estate conference for physicians

Navigating the dynamic world of real estate investment and entrepreneurship has always been an exhilarating journey for me. As both an investor in real estate and the proud business owner of a coaching program, I’ve always believed in the power o…

Thriving through transitions: lessons from a hospitalist’s journey

We all know that life is in transition, and we all go through different changes during our careers, from personal to professional growth. We all strive for a reasonable life-work balance. Early in my career, after completing my residency training, I wa…

What Lucille Ball and Einstein can teach us about overcoming burnout

In the demanding health care industry, physicians are frequently susceptible to burnout. The constant pressures, long hours, and emotional toll can be detrimental to one’s health. To support physicians on their path to wellness, we have compiled …

The link between thoughts and emotions: How to change your feelings by changing your thinking

Your emotions result from the way you think about things. Before you can experience (feel) any event, you must process it with your mind and give it meaning (thought). You must understand what is happening to you before you can feel it. Every time you …

Character, not cash: the ingredients of a happy and meaningful life

I recently came across a few videos, notes, and books from Jim Rohn (Tony Robbins’s mentor), and I found so much timeless wisdom. Take note that the book, 7 Strategies For Wealth and Happiness, was released in 1985. Let’s start with what I …