Misha Gajewski, Contributor

Author's posts

A New Study Shows Children Are Silent Spreaders Of Covid-19

The infected children were shown to have a significantly higher level of virus in their airways than hospitalized adults in ICUs for Covid-19 treatment.

A New Study Says It’s Better To Lose Weight Earlier In Life

A new study finds that changes in weight between young adulthood and midlife may have important consequences for a person’s risk of early death.

Stop Trying To Make ‘Herd Immunity’ Happen: Sweden’s Attempt At Covid-19 Herd Immunity Failed

Health authorities predicted that 40% of the Stockholm population would have had the disease and acquired antibodies by May 2020. The actual prevalence figure is around 15%.

Vaping Increases Covid-19 Risk For Teens And Young Adults

Vaping is linked to a substantially increased risk of Covid-19 among teenagers and young adults, according to a new study led by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

States Scramble To Deal With The Compounding Covid And Opioid Epidemic

Not only does the current pandemic make overdosing more likely but also people with substance use disorder are especially susceptible to Covid-19.

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Panic Move To The Suburbs

According to some reports, more than a third of Americans are considering moving to less populated areas.

Covid-19 Is Making It Harder For Women And Children To Access Vital Health Care Services

Mothers, newborns, young children and adolescents are losing 20% of their health and social services because of the pandemic, according to a new report from the United Nation’s Independent Accountability Panel (IAP) of senior global health experts.

We’re Trying To Get People To Wear Masks The Wrong Way

In many places it’s now mandatory to wear a mask and while the a lot people have embraced the new norm, in some parts of the U. S., the requirement to put on a mask has brought about political protests, arrests and violence.

We Still Think Brilliance Is A Male Trait And It’s Hurting Women

New research finds men are more likely than are women to be seen as “brilliant”.

You’re More Racist Than You Think: How Your Mental Biases Perpetuate Racism And How To Fix Them

What do we need to do to create lasting change and a more just society?