Niall McCarthy, Contributor

Author's posts

The Pandemic’s Devastating Toll On U.S. Healthcare Workers [Infographic]

An analysis found that nearly 3,000 U.S. healthcare workers have died from Covid-19, a death toll significantly higher than official government figures.

The World’s Leading Causes Of Death In 2019 [Infographic]

The World Health Organization has published new data highlighting the leading causes of death worldwide in 2019 with the top 10 causes accounting for 55% of all known deaths globally.

Many U.S. Hospitals Are Running Critically Short Of ICU Beds [Infographic]

As the U.S. battles a relentless stream of Covid-19 infections, hospitals in some parts of the country are already buckling under the pressure.

How Many Covid-19 Vaccine Doses Has The U.S. Secured? [Infographic]

Countries have already reserved 9.8 billion Covid-19 vaccine doses before a single candidate has even reached the market.

U.S. Covid-19 Hospitalizations Soar To Record High [Infographic]

As coronavirus cases skyrocket across the United States, the number of people hospitalized with the disease has reached an all-time high.

How Excess Mortality In 2020 Compares [Infographic]

A recently published report has found that developed countries are experiencing a significantly higher number of excess deaths in 2020 compared to the same weeks between 2015 and 2019.

How Many Americans Die From The Flu Each Year? [Infographic]

Yesterday, President Trump claimed that “sometimes over 100,000” people die from the flu annually but CDC data shows that the true death toll is significantly lower, even in seasons that are particularly severe.

What Does The World Make Of America’s Response To Covid-19? [Infographic]

A new Pew Research Center survey across 13 nations has found that overwhelming majorities of the public think the U.S. responded to Covid-19 badly.

Report: 7,000 Health Workers Have Died From Covid-19 Around The World So Far [Infographic]

New data released by Amnesty International shows that Mexico has suffered the most health worker deaths from Covid-19 with 1,320 losing their lives since the start of the pandemic.

Where Government Responses To Covid-19 Score High Marks With The Public [Infographic]

A recent Pew Research Center survey gauged public attitudes to the government’s coronavirus response across 14 advanced economies.