Nigel Davies, Contributor

Author's posts

The Unseen And Unsung Hero Of Healthcare Is Software

Using internal software to improve communication between healthcare professionals means no more time wasted hunting down colleagues and hanging around in hallways.

1.5M Jobs Are At ‘High Risk’ Of Automation, But There’s No Reason To Panic

At highest risk of losing their jobs to bots, says the ONS, are waiters (73%) while at lowest risk are medical practitioners (18%). But I’ve never yet been served by a cheeseburger by a robot, and yet the healthcare sector is rife with innovative tech …

How Internal Automation In Healthcare Is Helping Staff And Patients

Times change, the cloud got secure, and software-makers targeting the healthcare industry got HIPAA compliant. As a result, smaller healthcare providers have been able to automate paper and manual small scale processes far more easily.