The mental health of our teens has deteriorated at alarming numbers and rates, but what is causing this phenomenon, and to what extent if any is social media the culprit?
Breast cancer in younger women is more likely to be more aggressive at diagnosis and difficult to treat, thus dropping the screening age to 40 represents a milestone in preventing breast cancer diagnoses and ultimately saving lives.
Although the emergence of Narcan should represent progress towards America’s fight against the opioid epidemic, there remains more work to be done. Having an OTC drug does not address the root causes for the opioid epidemic in America.
According to an article in the journal Future of Children, children exposed to gun violence have an increased likelihood of using violence in the future to resolve problems or express their emotions.
The antithesis of this ideal patient-doctor relationship would be one of discrimination and feelings of ostracization, as is unfortunately occurring in a large proportion of our Black and Muslim patients.
The antithesis of this ideal patient-doctor relationship would be one of discrimination and feelings of ostracization, as is unfortunately occurring in a large proportion of our Black and Muslim patients.
Given the racial disparities that exist with respect to mortality and screening for colorectal cancer, we must improve this gap to allow all American citizens to benefit from screening processes.
Similarly, when it comes to public health policies and practices; expert scientists, physicians, and public health officials should be leading news and media narratives using evidence-based data.