Renuka Rayasam and Sam Whitehead

Author's posts

Republicans Are Eyeing Cuts to Medicaid. What’s Medicaid, Again?

Republicans in Congress have suggested big cuts to Medicaid, the state-federal health insurance program for people with low incomes or disabilities. The complex, multifaceted program touches millions of Americans and has become deeply woven into state budgets and the U.S. health care system.

As States Mull Medicaid Work Requirements, Two Scale Theirs Back

As Republicans consider adding work requirements to Medicaid, Georgia and Arkansas — two states with experience running such programs — want to scale back the key parts supporters have argued encourage employment and personal responsibility.

The First Year of Georgia’s Medicaid Work Requirement Is Mired in Red Tape

Georgia must decide soon whether to try to extend a limited Medicaid expansion that requires participants to work. Enrollment fell far short of goals in the first year, and the state isn’t yet able to verify participants are working.