Rita Numerof, Contributor

Author's posts

The Road To 340B Was Paved With Good Intentions So Why Are Drug Companies Looking For An Off Ramp?

From a $5 billion program in 2014 to a $30 billion program in 2019, 340B saw a 47% compound annual growth rate in five years, significantly outpacing other government pricing programs. Current estimates place it at about $34 billion today.

Fables And Misperceptions About Drug Makers And Drug Pricing Are Misleading Customers About The Value The Industry Provides

Once it is understood how new drugs are developed it becomes easier to understand why new drugs are priced the way they are.

The Drug Industry Might Have Dodged A Build Back Better Bullet But Remains In Congressional Crosshairs

Industry critics have managed to get a foothold with reforms that will have devastating, long-term effects for patients and drug companies alike. And worse, they were included in a bill that could actually pass via the special reconciliation process th…

Covid Wins This Round: Time For A New Pandemic Management Playbook In 2022

As a frazzled nation enters the next chapter of this health saga, there is more at stake here than just battling Covid. The decisions we make going forward will have far reaching implications not just for society but healthcare delivery as we now know it.

Our Destiny Belongs To Us Not Covid-19

Life is full of risks, and we need to be prudent about what risks we take. Whatever turn Covid-19 takes, and it will take more, we need to live our lives guided by the actual risks and not allow overblown threats to drive us.

It’s Human Behavior, After All: A Better Way Forward To Managing Pandemics

If our leaders do not take the time to understand and account for human behavior in helping us navigate through times of crisis, then if and when the next pandemic comes knocking on our door, we will be back to where we began this one: woefully ill-pre…

Nuance — Not Doctrinaire Mandates — Is The Winning Formula For Healthcare

By using a broad brush to make healthcare decisions for tens of millions of Americans in one stroke, vaccine mandates cause many people to feel that their basic freedom of choice is being unjustly taken from them, and they resist predictably.

Our Deepest Thanks To All Of You — Our Heroes… Now You’re Fired

The lack of scientifically based decisions and the unwillingness to consider individual health circumstances is quite problematic for the physical and mental health of the country. Sowing seeds of division is not helpful to public safety, confidence or…

To Keep Americans Healthy, The Administration Must Regain Credibility

This credibility issue is a threat to public health both now and in the future. Covid-19 numbers may be falling these days but, in many respects, the coronavirus is still a generational threat to public health which demands the best efforts of governme…

To Keep Americans Healthy, Dr. Fauci Should Step Aside

Building trust depends on our leaders being honest, direct and straightforward. Recall the “boy who cried wolf” — every misstep Dr. Fauci and his colleagues make now could hinder our ability to respond to the next public health challenge coming down th…