Sachin H. Jain, Contributor

Author's posts

Understanding and Managing Patient Denial: A Key to Better Healthcare

Learning how to recognize and address patient denial of their health conditions is among our best opportunities to improve clinical care.

How Do You Measure Quality in Health Care?

Measuring health care quality isn’t nearly as straightforward as many think it is. I offer perspective on some of the gaps in current approaches to measuring healthcare quality.

Where the Board Room Meets the Exam Room: Bringing Business Leaders to the Healthcare’s Frontlines

New programs are helping non-clinicians better understand healthcare delivery so that they can participate in reforming and changing the healthcare system.

Sometimes Food Is The Best Medicine

Food — and more specifically, nutrition — is a powerful determinant of health. Ensuring our patients eat healthfully is the responsibility and obligation of everyone aspiring to deliver high-quality healthcare.

Medicines Only Work if Patients Can Afford Them: Solutions For The High Drug Prices Era

New drug therapies help people live longer, better lives. But in a world of increasing health costs, prescribing life-saving medications for our patients isn’t enough. Physicians, health plans and pharmaceutical manufacturers have to ensure that patien…

6 Ideas That Physicians Need To Explain Better To Patients

I offer an evolving list of ideas that health care professionals need to better explain to their patients. Overcoming these common myths will be challenging given the growing diversity of media sources about health and wellness—but present an opportuni…

More Gratitude: One Solution to Address the Looming Crisis of Physician Burnout

A greater focus on gratitude can help solve the problem on physician burnout.

The Crystal Ball: 10 Healthcare Industry Predictions for 2019

As the year draws to a close, I’ve been thinking about what’s in store for healthcare in 2019. I offer ten predictions below: sincere ones, hopeful ones and a few final thoughts submitted with my tongue planted firmly in my cheek.

Medicine and Dentistry: Undoing an Illogical 150-Year Divide

It’s no secret that medicine and dentistry have evolved an unnatural professional separation that is helpful to no one and often causes unnecessary suffering. We can and should further integrate the two fields to better meet the needs of patients.

Can Pharmacists Help Reinvent Primary Care in the United States?

The United States has a looming primary care crisis. Could pharmacists be the answer?