Category: NYSE:LLY

Medicines Only Work if Patients Can Afford Them: Solutions For The High Drug Prices Era

New drug therapies help people live longer, better lives. But in a world of increasing health costs, prescribing life-saving medications for our patients isn’t enough. Physicians, health plans and pharmaceutical manufacturers have to ensure that patien…

The Demise Of A Once Promising Pancreatic Cancer Drug Is All Too Common

Companies as small as Nivien or as large as Pfizer find the chemical tools and run the experiments that prove or disprove medical hypotheses.

Questions Raised About Invokana Label Expansion For CV Risk Reduction

Experts are raising questions about FDA’s decision to expand the label of the diabetes drug Invokana to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events.

Pharma Failures Actually Advance Medicine

The fact is we want big pharma to work on these difficult challenges. No other entity can do this.

Chinese Drug Maker Clarifies Development Strategy For Bringing Cancer Drug To The U.S. Market

Given these plans, Chi-Med is open to U.S. partnerships for development of cancer therapies that incorporate fruquintinib.

Chinese Drug Maker Clarifies Development Strategy For Bringing Cancer Drug To The U.S. Market

Given these plans, Chi-Med is open to U.S. partnerships for development of cancer therapies that incorporate fruquintinib.

Chinese Drug Maker Clarifies Development Strategy For Bringing Cancer Drug To The U.S. Market

Given these plans, Chi-Med is open to U.S. partnerships for development of cancer therapies that incorporate fruquintinib.

The Agonizingly Slow Progress Against The Cancer That Killed Aretha Franklin

Our slow progress against pancreatic cancer is representative of the war on cancer writ large. Focus in on pancreatic cancer, and you see that there has been progress for patients with some subtypes for the disease. There are real reasons for hope that…

The Biopharmaceutical Industry Provides 75% Of The FDA’s Drug Review Budget. Is This A Problem?

If you were to ask the CEOs of Pfizer, Merck, Lilly, etc., they would be more than happy to drop the “user fees” and have Congress fully fund the FDA via other funding mechanisms.

There Go Those Drug Companies Inventing New Diseases Again

The biopharmaceutical industry isn’t perfect. But let’s stop with the nonsense that the industry invents diseases. It’s not true.