Sally Pipes, Contributor

Author's posts

Healthcare Priorities For The Next Congress

If lawmakers are interested in actually improving the nation’s healthcare system, there are several reforms that can command bipartisan support.

Even Republicans Are Embracing Medicaid Expansion. That’s A Costly Mistake.

There are plenty of ideas about how to make Medicaid work for the poor Americans it’s meant to serve. But ignoring $80 billion in improper payments isn’t going to help.

Open Enrollment Numbers Hide Obamacare’s Expensive Failures

Rather than address the underlying problems with his old boss’s signature healthcare law, President Biden and his team have given insurers a direct line to the federal treasury.

A New Plan Brings Clarity To Healthcare Price Transparency–Finally

By fostering competition, price transparency has delivered higher quality, lower prices, and better value in just about every sector of our economy. Health care has been an exception for decades—thanks largely to government policies.

Healthcare Competition Isn’t Just A Republican Messaging Point

Republicans have promised to make “transparency, choice, and competition” the centerpieces of their approach to improving America’s healthcare system. Those principles are missing from the government-dominated status quo.

Obamacare Open Enrollment Brings Election Day “Gift” To Voters

Last year, Obamacare sign-ups hit a record. The Biden administration is no doubt hoping for another one this year. And it doesn’t care if it has to spend tens of billions of taxpayer dollars to get it.

Socialized Medicine Is Tanking Britain’s Economy

The experience of our peers across the pond shows that the United States should promote choice and competition in our own healthcare system—not move to a single-payer system where government is the sole insurance provider.

Commitment To America: Just What The Doctor Ordered

The Commitment is important, because it illustrates the glaring contrast between the two parties—especially on contentious issues like health care.

Pay No Attention To Biden’s Biotech Bluster

If the president wants to cure cancer, he and his Democratic allies have an odd way of showing it. In the last few weeks alone, progressives have advanced several policies that directly undermine the development of new cures and treatments for cancer a…

Medicare Advantage Is A Diamond In The Government Healthcare Rough

The value of Medicare Advantage far outweighs its costs. To make our healthcare system more equitable and affordable, we must bolster the program — not erode it.