Sally Pipes, Contributor

Author's posts

President Biden, It’s Time To Admit Obamacare’s Flaws

The coverage on Obamacare’s exchanges is too costly and of poor quality. Opening the exchanges for three more months won’t bring premiums down, reduce deductibles, or make the plans’ provider networks more robust.

Undoing Short-Term Health Plans Is Bad Policy

Short-term plans are an important part of the country’s healthcare infrastructure. Limiting access to them will deny affordable coverage to hundreds of thousands of Americans, including those that desperately need it while they’re temporarily out of wo…

Let The Failures Of Government Vaccine Distribution Be A Warning

The government’s botched rollout of the coronavirus vaccine stands out as Exhibit A in the argument against more government control over our health care.

Price Transparency: A Gift To Americans In The New Year

On January 1, a new rule from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services went into effect requiring hospitals to publish the prices they negotiate with insurers for various medical procedures. This rule will inject some sorely needed transparency i…

A Tale Of Two Healthcare Systems

COVID has come roaring back. In the United States, over 1,000 hospitals are critically short-staffed; about three-quarters of all hospital beds are full. But North of the border, in Canada, it doesn’t take a pandemic to overwhelm the healthcare system….

Three Healthcare Achievements To Be Thankful For

Thanksgiving is this Thursday. It may seem hard to believe, but even in this year unlike any other, there’s still plenty to be thankful for—including some notable developments in healthcare policy.

Biden His Time On Health Care?

It’s all but certain Joe Biden will be the 46th president of the United States. Down the ballot, though, Democrats didn’t fare as well. A Democratic president, a narrowly Democratic House, and a Republican Senate are a recipe for gridlock. That means B…

Here’s What’s In Trump’s Healthcare Plan

President Trump has hardly been inactive on health care during his term. In fact, his administration has taken a number of important but underappreciated steps to boost consumer choice and affordability in the healthcare marketplace. That’s a record wo…

Putting A Mirror Up To Obamacare

The Supreme Court has repeatedly declared Obamacare constitutionally sound, and it’s unlikely that a new justice will change that. As health policy, though, the failures of the law continue to compound. The Supreme Court isn’t Obamacare’s biggest probl…

A Look At The Democrats’ Not-So-Moderate Healthcare Platform

At their virtual convention this week, Democrats showed they are indeed unified—behind a government takeover of the health insurance market, that is. While their nominee may not explicitly endorse Medicare for All, that’s exactly what his administratio…