Sam Whitehead

Author's posts

Critics Worry Government Surveillance of HIV May Hurt More Than It Helps

Some people living with HIV and some state health officials are raising concerns about part of the federal effort to end the HIV epidemic: a new technology that analyzes blood samples to find emerging outbreaks. The critics say it’s too invasive and stigmatizing and might not be more effective than older public health approaches.

A Post-‘Roe’ World in Georgia Will Mean More Restrictions — And More Political Battles

Abortion will almost certainly face new restrictions in Georgia. Patients will have a harder time finding services, and providers will have to figure out how to navigate the new landscape. Meanwhile, abortion opponents see the moment as an opportunity to put further restrictions on the procedure.

States Extend Medicaid for New Mothers — Even as They Reject Broader Expansion

Most of the dozen states that haven’t fully expanded eligibility for Medicaid have extended or plan to extend the postpartum coverage window for new mothers. That could mean improved maternal health, but it’s only part of the puzzle when it comes to reducing the number of preventable maternal deaths in the U.S.

‘Desperate Situation’: States Are Housing High-Needs Foster Kids in Offices and Hotels

Some foster children with complex mental, behavioral, and physical health needs without a foster placement are having to stay in hotel rooms and even office buildings, a practice called “hoteling.”

In Georgia Runoffs, Dems Are Running Hard On Health Care. Republicans? Not So Much

The two Democratic challengers for the U.S. Senate believe focusing on health care during a pandemic will motivate voters for the Jan. 5 runoff. If both win, their party will control the U.S. Senate.

Effort To Control Opioids In An ER Leaves Some Sickle Cell Patients In Pain

People with sickle cell disease aren’t fueling the opioid crisis, research shows. Yet some ER doctors still treat patients seeking relief for agonizing sickle cell crises as potential addicts.

They Bring Medical Care To The Homeless And Build Relationships To Save Lives

“Street medicine” programs, like one in Atlanta, seek out people living in back alleys and under highways. The public health outreach improves patients’ health and is cost-effective, hospitals find.