Stephanie MacConnell, Contributor

Author's posts

The Next Wave Of Healthcare Innovation: FinTech Vs. Healthcare Covid-19 Crisis Innovation Series

The COVID-19 crisis presents an opportunity for the healthcare industry to catapult forward. Take a look at Stephanie MacConnell’s predictions for next trends in healthcare innovation.

What Could Go Wrong: FinTech Vs. Healthcare Covid-19 Crisis Innovation Series

The COVID-19 crisis presents an opportunity for the healthcare industry to catapult forward, make fundamental changes, and adopt new innovation. But will they take advantage of this opportunity, or will the need to keep the status quo get in the way?

Innovation Timeline: FinTech vs. Healthcare Covid-19 Crisis Series

The 2008 Financial Crisis vs. The Covid-19 Crisis. The third in Stephanie MacConnell’s series explores the timeline from the financial crisis to the industry-shaping boom we saw in FinTech following the burst of the housing bubble.

Before And After: FinTech vs. Healthcare Covid-19 Crisis Series

The 2008 Financial Crisis vs. The Covid-19 Crisis. This is the first in a series showing how Covid-19 could lead to an innovation boom in Healthcare similar to the industry-shaping boom we saw in FinTech following the burst of the housing bubble.

The Guilty And The Innocent: FinTech vs. Healthcare Covid-19 Crisis Series

The 2008 Financial Crisis vs. The Covid-19 Crisis. The second in the series by Stephanie MacConnell examines the key players in each crisis and how we move forward from here.