Steve Brozak, Contributor

Author's posts

The 5 Unknowns Of The Wuhan Coronavirus

The novel coronavirus, known as Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has spread rapidly around our small and interconnected world. We must face the reality that asking the right questions about the virus now will help avert a crisis later.

The Future Of Medicare? The Head Of CMS Offers Some Critical Answers.

In today’s healthcare discourse, Medicare has become the sine qua non of impassioned debate. And the current Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Seema Verma discusses its future.

C. Auris, The Deadly Fungus CDC Says It’s “Still Trying To Figure Out?”

When someone says that a disease will kill one out of three people and they are not sure of where it is or how it spreads it’s bad. When It’s CDC that’s saying it, it’s worse.

5 Ways A Hard Brexit Will Sicken Britain’s Healthcare

How will a Hard-Brexit effect the healthcare of Britons? You need only look at all of the UK travelers stranded by the Thomas Cooke travel agency bankruptcy and think will people seeking healthcare be stranded in an eerily similar way, but with no “Res…

What The Pfizer-Mylan Deal Means For Pharma

Record-setting summer temperatures across the globe are a metaphor for the financial heat being faced by large Pharma and the Pfizer-Mylan M&A is one answer to this problem. How their joint venture plans to spur sales in China, cut costs and streamline…

After Bristol-Myers Squibb Buys Celgene What’s Next? JP Morgan’s Conference Will Answer That

The Bristol-Myers Squibb/Celgene merger has started 2019 with a bang in both healthcare and on Wall Street. A good hint as to what happens next starts during JP Morgan’s 37th Annual Healthcare Conference and the debate over the winners and losers for p…

The Future Of Cancer Care: A 50 Minute Discussion At Forbes

The future of cancer therapy, an analysis of how Immunotherapy has improved oncology outcomes for patients. This year’s Forbes Summit highlighted both the difficulties, advancements and needs of the cancer care community in order to find the “cure” fo…

How One Of The Most Successful Government Agencies Safeguards Our Health

Every day the U.S. faces threats like Zika, Ebola and Pandemic Flu. The CEO of United Therapeutics, Dr. Martine Rothblatt, explains and advocates for the government agency BARDA in their constant fight.

How An Alzheimer Treatment’s Success Highlights The Failures In Alzheimer’s Drug Research

How the takeover of a biotech company with a late stage Alzheimer’s Drug highlights the lack of any other success in the fight against Alzheimer’s. And how we must look at new ways to advance research in Alzheimer’s if we want to break the bleak patter…

Did Pfizer Blink And What Will Pharma Do Now?

Pfizer confirmed that time has run out for raising prices without blow-back. The renewed attention to drug price hikes means business as usual has ended and two questions loom large for Pharma. Is talk of regulation of drug prices next and who will ne…