Steve Forbes, Forbes Staff

Author's posts

Biden Is “Guilty Of An Act Of Medicare Malpractice” That Could Cost Lives

President Biden is guilty of an act of Medicare malpractice that will ultimately hurt everyone, some mortally.

FDA’s Latest “Power Grab” Attempt On Cigars “Needlessly And Dangerously” Undermines Its Own Authority

People’s trust of public health officials is alarmingly low, because from time to time they’ve relied on politics rather than on science when making decisions.

Laboratories Are Still Performing Gain-Of-Function Research On Viruses More Dangerous Than Covid-19

Shockingly, laboratories today are working to make viruses that are even more deadly than Covid-19. Little is being done to stop them. Why?

Independent Expert Commission Needed To Probe “Deadly Mistakes” Made By Government During Covid-19 Crisis

In the aftermath of the Covid crisis, we need an independent, expert commission to get to the truth about the often deadly mistakes made by government and healthcare officials.

It’s Time To Get Rid Of The Biggest Con Job In Healthcare

It’s time to get rid of the biggest con job in healthcare.

What Politicians Get Wrong In Their Efforts To Curb Smoking And Vaping

When it comes to smoking and vaping, both politicians and public health officials refuse to heed reality.

The Scandal Of Alzheimer’s

Appallingly, for decades Alzheimer’s researchers have pursued a dead-end hypothesis on tackling this dreaded and fast-expanding disease.

This Is How To Save Social Security And Medicare

Are cutbacks necessary to save Social Security and Medicare from bankruptcy?

Inside The Alzheimer’s Scandal: Why Is There Still No Cure?

The Alzheimer’s scandal: Why is there no cure for this dread disease?

This Is Why The U.S. Can’t Have A Government-Run Healthcare System

When it comes to healthcare, America can’t do what virtually all other countries do: have a government-run system. Why? Because the U.S. massively subsidizes the world’s other healthcare systems.