Steve Forbes, Forbes Staff

Author's posts

It’s Time To Get Rid Of The CDC As We Know It

Here’s how to drastically and positively reform the CDC, a lethally troubled agency.

Key Democratic Goal Could Harm The “Well-Being Of The Rest Of The World”

Democrats are pushing for a government takeover of healthcare. Their success would be bad for American medicine.

“Based More On Emotion Than Science”: Steve Forbes Blasts FDA Vaping Rule

The deadly, nonstop antivaping war being waged by the FDA is based more on emotion than science.

A Very Noteworthy Healthcare Collaboration

Two companies together are uniquely mobilizing healthcare information to better patient care.

“Harmful To Public Health”: Steve Forbes Warns New Biden Policy Will Harm U.S. Citizens

The FDA’s reputation is going up in smoke.

“What Is The FDA Inhaling?”: Steve Forbes Slams Proposed Menthol Cigarette Rules

Ban menthol cigarettes? What’s the FDA inhaling?

The GOP Must Avoid This Trap

Republicans can learn a lot from the blunders of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

“No More Government Overreactions!”: Steve Forbes Tears Into Covid-19 Restrictions

Let’s have no more Covid overreactions from government.

Can Price Transparency Save The Future Of American Healthcare?

This week marks the anniversary of a medical institution that represents the future of American healthcare.

Covid-19 Aftermath: Can Trust In Public Health Be Saved?

A very serious byproduct of Covid-19 is the loss of trust in public health agencies. The future consequences could be deadly.