Steve Forbes, Forbes Staff

Author's posts

Is The Pandemic Phase Of Covid Over? Americans Are Ready For Normalcy

It’s high time we terminate pandemic mandates and restrictions and let people live normal lives again.

Biden’s Covid Policy And Vaccine Mandates: The Growing Backlash You Need To Know About

Will we finally get commonsense policies regarding Covid-19?

Omicron Variant Panic: Another Excuse For Political Meddling?

Will political leaders and public health officials use Covid-19 variants to unnecessarily control our lives, hinder commerce and harm our health?

Market Reaction To New Covid-19 Variant: Three Things You Need To Know

Alarm bells are ringing about another variant of Covid-19. Will politicians make things worse?

The FDA Plans To Ban Menthol Cigarettes: What You Need To Know

The new nominee to head the FDA begs the question: What is the White House inhaling when it comes to tobacco policy?

Is Biden’s Vaccine Mandate For Workers Unconstitutional?

A federal appeals court has temporarily blocked President Biden’s sweeping vaccine mandate. The Supreme Court will ultimately rule it unconstitutional—and rightly so.

Why Biden’s Tobacco-Tax-Hike Scheme Is A Big Mistake

The Democrats’ proposal to sharply raise tobacco taxes should go up in smoke.

Vaping vs. Tobacco Smoking: What The FDA Is Getting Wrong

The Food and Drug Administration is stepping up its deadly and misbegotten crusade against flavored e-cigarettes.

Covid Vaccines: The Pandemic Politics To Watch Out For

It’s high time Washington politicians and public health pooh-bahs stop treating people like children, ignoring scientific evidence and acting in destructive and arbitrary ways.

CDC’s Credibility Is At Risk: Why It Should Focus Only On Public Health

Here’s a message for the CDC (the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention): Stop playing politics and focus solely on public health.