Steven Salzberg, Contributor

Author's posts

Can A Jellyfish Protein Improve Your Memory?

Prevagen is a purified form of a jellyfish protein that has been sold for over a decade with the claim that it improves memory. The evidence doesn’t back the claims for these expensive pills.

How To Live Longer: Cut Down On Red Meat, Eat More Nuts, And Be Optimistic

A recent scientific study asked a simple question: does eating red meat make it more likely that a person will die? Turns out that it does, but you can do something about this.

How To Live Longer: Cut Down On Red Meat, Eat More Nuts, And Be Optimistic

A recent scientific study asked a simple question: does eating red meat make it more likely that a person will die? Turns out that it does, but you can do something about this.

Is This New 3-Drug Combo A Fountain Of Youth?

A new study of a 3-drug combination showed that it rejuvenated the thymus, replacing fat with new tissue. Even more remarkably, it reversed 4 signs of epigenetic age, leaving men “younger” than when the study began.

College Football Season Is Here. Will Universities Continue To Ignore The Risk Of Brain Damage?

College football season has begun, and millions of fans are already excited. A growing body of evidence shows that football players have a high risk of CTE, a progressive brain disease that appears years later, and that leads to dementia and death. How…

$545 Million Per Year Wasn’t Enough For Chiropractors. Now They’re Lobbying For Much More

Chiropractors already collect over half a billion dollars per year from Medicare, but now they’ve managed to get two NY Congressmen to introduce a bill that would dramatically increase that amount, by letting them function as regular family doctors–som…

New York Times: Keep Your Hands Off My Smoked Salmon

The NY Times reported last week that smoked salmon might be as big a risk for colon cancer as processed meats like hot dogs, bacon, and salami. I dug into the research behind the claim, and discovered that the opposite is true: fish, including smoked f…

The US Will Try To Treat Pain With Fake Medicine

The US Medicare system wants to sponsor a set of trials to test if acupuncture is effective for low back pain. Even though acupuncture is little more than an elaborate placebo, and countless studies have shown as much, the US will spend millions of dol…

The Loneliest Word

Benjamin was the last Tasmanian tiger. Martha was the last passenger pigeon. Lonesome George was the last tortoise of his species. They were all “endlings,” and they’re all gone now. A new report warns that 1,000,000 species may soon suffer the same fate.

Does The Length Of Your Ring Finger Predict Your Sexual Orientation? Hmm.

A feature article in Science magazine says that the ratio between the lengths of your 2nd and 4th fingers can be used to predict your sexual orientation, risk of cancer, athletic abilities, and more. Is it nonsense?