Steven Salzberg, Contributor

Author's posts

Would You Trust Your Child With This Anti-Vax Ex-Doctor?

A sequel to the anti-vaccine propaganda film Vaxxed was recently released. Let’s take a closer look at the disgraced, unethical former British doctor who’s behind the film, and who makes a living pushing anti-vaccine misinformation.

Are You “Vaccine Hesitant”? You Might Be In A Cult

The World Health Organization recently declared that “vaccine hesitancy” was one of the top 10 threats to global health. This is just the latest harmful consequence of the anti-vax movement.

Surprise! Here Are 12 Organic Foods That Are Transgenic GMOs

A new study finds that dozens of common plants, including many foods and two of the world’s most popular beverages, are “natural” GMOs that contain bacterial DNA, making them transgenic as well. Will this change the thinking of anti-GMO activists?

Can Intermittent Fasting Reset Your Immune System?

Recent science shows that fasting every day provides many cardiovascular and immune system benefits. And one strategy, time-restricted fasting, isn’t even that hard to do.

The End Of The Post-Truth Era

“Post-truth” is an unfortunate phrase that has been used to disguise misinformation and outright lies, to the harm of many members of society. Here are 3 of the worst offenders.

Can The Apple Watch Detect Heartbeat Abnormalities?

A huge new NEJM study asked if the Apple Watch can detect atrial fibrillation. The results were surprisingly positive. This might be the start of a new trend in consumer self-monitoring for heart health.

Prestigious NY Cancer Center Will Spend $3.7M To Study Bogus Cancer Treatment

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center just announced a 3.7M grant to study acupuncture in cancer patients. Acupuncture is pure pseudoscience, and pushing it on vulnerable cancer patients is unethical.

Gluten-free Diet Has No Benefits For Autistic Children, New Study Finds

Many parents have tried putting their autistic children on gluten-free diets, in the hope that it would improve their symptoms. A new study finds that gluten-free diets have no effect on autism.

How Much Dog Do You Need For Optimum Health?

Two new studies show that owning a dog reduces your risk of dying. The benefits are even greater for people who recently had a heart attack or stroke. So how many dogs should you get, and how big should they be?

Can A Jellyfish Protein Improve Your Memory?

Prevagen is a purified form of a jellyfish protein that has been sold for over a decade with the claim that it improves memory. The evidence doesn’t back the claims for these expensive pills.